Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Idea

When I was a young Boy Scout around 14 years old I went to Philmont and hiked the mountains of Cimarron New Mexico. I really didn't like hiking or backpacking as a boy, in fact I hated it, I did enough hiking and backpacking to get the merit badges and that is about it.

Well a couple years ago my son informed me that I was going back to Philmont sometime with him. So last year my son and I decided we are going to start doing some backpacking trips together. I am a life long Scouter, I have been in Scouting for a 35 years now and my son has been in for about 7 years now. Since many Boy Scout troops do not do much backpacking, we had very little real backpacking gear. So at the end of 2008 my son and I started getting all the gear we need to begin backpacking. We are not starting off with lots of high end, hi-tech gear, we are starting off getting mostly inexpensive stuff so we can get on the trail and as we go along we will upgrade things a little at a time. We have just about everything we need, all that is left is a backpacking tent that I plan to buy next month, then we will start are journey.

We plan on doing several short 2 or 3 day weekend trips a year and hopefully at least one long trip a year of 5 days or more. This is the PLAN, we will see what actually happens LOL

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